What are we doing in Spanish for the environment?

Arnaly Arriaga

Earth's Month, also known as Earth Month or Earth Day Month, is a time of the year dedicated to raising awareness about environmental issues and promoting sustainable practices. It takes place every April, with Earth Day being celebrated on April 22nd. What does that have to do with learning Spanish? Easy! Did you know many Spanish-speaking countries have been leading in renewable energy for many years, with a strong commitment to reducing their carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices? Find out more here.
For many companies that work in the field of the environment and sustainable energies, Spain and many other Spanish-speaking countries are a must-go destination for business. One of the things we do here at Lengualista is to provide you with the best language tools so you can do business confidently. Let’s talk about how these countries are advancing in their green policies starting with some of the vocabulary you will definitely use when doing green business. We will then talk about “La madre patria”, Spain. (The motherland) and finally, we will talk about other Spanish-speaking countries that are doing awesome progress regarding green energy generation and sustainability.

Green vocabulary

Have you heard about something called "cognates"? These are words that sound familiar in several languages because they share the same roots. The names in new technologies, like environmental and green energy, usually produce many of these types of words coming from the English language. Here are some of the cognates and words related to the environment and green energies: 

- Energía renovable (renewable energy)
- Energía solar (solar energy)
- Energía eólica (wind energy)
- Energía hidráulica (hydroelectric energy)
- Paneles solares (solar panels)
- Turbinas eólicas (wind turbines)
- Planta hidroeléctrica (hydroelectric power plant)

Remember, always try to associate the words in your native language and the language you're learning, and you will see how much easier your language learning becomes.

Spain's commitment to renewable energy

Spain has set a goal to reach 74% of its electricity generation from renewable sources by 2030. This commitment is reflected in the country's investment in renewable energy infrastructure, including wind turbines, solar panels, and hydroelectric power plants. In fact, Spain is the fourth largest producer of wind energy in the world and the second largest producer of concentrated solar power.

Spanish renewable energy initiatives

Spain has implemented several initiatives to promote renewable energy and reduce its carbon footprint. One of these initiatives is the Plan Nacional Integrado de Energía y Clima, which aims to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 21% by 2030. The country has also implemented a feed-in tariff system, which provides financial incentives for the production of renewable energy.  

Spanish renewable energy companies

Spain is home to many renewable energy companies that are leading the way in sustainable practices. Some examples of these companies include:

- Acciona: A global leader in renewable energy with a strong focus on wind and solar energy
- Endesa: A major Spanish energy company with a strong commitment to renewable energy
- Iberdrola: A multinational energy company with a focus on wind and hydroelectric power

Spain is a leader in renewable energy and is committed to reducing its carbon footprint and promoting sustainable practices. However, there are other Spanish speaking countries that are committed to the environment and have come very far in their quest for saving the Earth. Read on...

La riqueza de Costa Rica - The wealth of Costa Rica

Costa Rica is very well known for its eco-tourism, its conservation programs, its beautiful beaches and forests. However, Costa Rica, is a small country of approximately 5 million people, located in Central America that has made great strides in renewable energy. In fact, the country has set a goal to become carbon neutral by 2050. They have already achieved many milestones in renewable energy that bigger and richer countries are not even close to, including generating 98% of its electricity from renewable sources in 2019. The country's renewable energy mix includes hydroelectric power, wind power, solar power, and geothermal power.

Small but mighty Uruguay

Uruguay is a small country located in South America that has also made significant progress in renewable energy. In 2014, Uruguay installed the most wind power capacity per capita in the world. In 2016, the country generated 98.5% of its electricity from renewable sources and began exporting excess wind power generation to neighboring Argentina. This was largely due to the country's investment in wind power, which accounts for over 60% of its total electricity generation. Uruguay has both, excellent hydropower, and good interconnection into Argentina and Brazil, contributing to the country's extraordinary growth in the wind and solar market share.

Chile is not about Chilies!

Chile is a large country that stretches from the borders of Peru to the Patagonia in South America and has set ambitious goals for renewable energy. According to an article on the World Economic Forum, the country aims to generate 70% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2030 and pledged to become carbon neutral by 2050.

Chile benefits from consistently strong winds in the mountainous region of Patagonia and some of the world’s highest levels of solar radiation in the Atacama Desert. The perfect combination of resources available to become a leader in green energy generation.

Chile has already made significant progress in the area of alternative energies, with over 40% of its electricity generation coming from renewable sources in 2019. The country's renewable energy mix includes solar power, wind power, and hydroelectric power.

Mexico is more than Chilies!

Mexico is a country that needs no introduction. With its "Day of the dead", its pyramids, beaches, tourism, delicious hot and spicy food, and Charros, you must live under a rock to not know about it. Nevertheless, Mexico is a large country that has also set ambitious goals for renewable energy. The country aims to generate 35% of its electricity from renewable sources by 2024. Mexico has already made progress in this area, with over 25% of its electricity generation coming from renewable sources in 2019.

Mexico's renewable energy mix includes wind power, solar power, and hydroelectric power. It would be interesting to see if they could generate power out of their spicy peppers too!

21 Spanish-speaking Opportunities

There are 21 countries where Spanish is the official language and there are many advantages to doing environmental business with these countries. A lot of these countries have shown a strong commitment to renewable energy and sustainable practices, making them ideal partners for environmentally conscious businesses.

Additionally, many Spanish-speaking countries are located in regions with abundant natural resources, such as wind, solar, and hydroelectric power. Doing business with these countries can also provide opportunities to tap into new markets and expand your customer base.

Finally, speaking Spanish can help you build relationships with potential partners, communicate more effectively with local communities, and better understand the cultural context of the business environment. Here is where we can help!

We promise we will make your road to learning Spanish, a very fun one! Remember, language learning doesn't have to be all serious and boring. Adding a little humor to your study can make it more enjoyable and memorable.

This is our philosophy and we live to make learning Spanish, something that you won't even realize.

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¡Diviértete aprendiendo español! (Have fun learning Spanish!)
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